This story of hope is a reminder of the blessing God provides when we place our trust in him. Here Erica shares her journey to renewed hope and the joy in her life now.
“At the point in my life when I learned about Hillcrest Hope, I was a new Christian. Still, I was feeling lost, broken and confused in my life. I was a young adult trying to manage living in “the world” and sticking to my newly found faith. A graduate of the program along with Deb, a pastor’s wife at my church, introduced me to Hillcrest Hope. When I heard about the program, I thought I would never get accepted. It was with a little push and a huge leap of faith that I applied. ”
On the day of my interview, my car overheated and I almost missed my appointment. I was anxious and felt like I was running out of options and energy. Yet I was determined that if I was accepted I would give this program all I had. It was after my interview that I felt like God had led me to this.
The first night I moved in, reality began to set in and so did my fear of change. Other residents asked me why I was even there. I had a car, a job, and to them it appeared I had my life together. As cliché as it was, I responded with “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” My life had a dark past of people-pleasing, befriending those only looking out for themselves, allowing men to take advantage of me, and using alcohol to numb pain.
I came to Hillcrest Hope for a change. Little did I know that change would impact my life forever. I learned to live alone, build healthy boundaries and be happy with who I was. I found renewed hope in the fact that I have the knowledge and support from friends and family to help encourage me. Every single day I use the tools I learned at Hillcrest Hope. I was able to get my finances in order and paid off $1,980.03 in debt. It was there that I made lifelong friends that I know were brought into my life by God.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Hillcrest Hope isn’t all sunshine and joy. I found out who I really am and learned to deal with past hurt and pain. Hillcrest Hope taught me to build strong boundaries and support systems. They encouraged me to live according to my faith. I became part of a community, a family of sorts that I can always lean on.
Since leaving Hillcrest Hope, I’ve still struggled with living in “the world” but now I have hope. Living in this world is not easy, but I take heart in knowing that God has overcome this world. I know that I am UNBREAKABLE, because no one can break God.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
While so much has changed since I graduated from Hillcrest Hope, I still stay in touch. Today I have an amazing fiancé and a wonderful two-year-old. Both bring incredible joy to my life. I work hard, have a better relationship with my family than ever before, and know that I am blessed.”